that the person would know from those 5 issues exactly the kind of persons he was dealing with and could decide for herself if we were her kind of people.

The process of getting into FPE after getting AND READING the 5 issues is to ask for the application, fill it out and return it to me, Virginia. If I approve, it goes to Fran in Wisconsin by registered mail. If she approves it the individual is notified that it was acceptable and asked to pay a first year's fee of $17. This consists of an initiation fee of $5 payable only once, a year's dues at 50c per month or $6 per year and $6 for a year's subscription to the Femme Forum, the official publication of the sorority. When this has gotten to Fran by way of Virginia the applicant is told how to get in touch with the interviewer nearest to her if there is one. These interviewers are persons who are already members of FPE and known in some degree to Fran and the area councillor. Between the two of them arrangements are made to get together. This is usually done in a restaurant or some neutral terri- tory tho it may be in the applicant's home if circumstances warrant it and the applicant wishes it that way. Unless it takes place in a home such interviews are between "brothers." That is the applicant is not expected to dress for the occasion. The purpose of the interview is just that somebody representing the sorority shall have a chance to have an eyeball contact with the applicant and judge from personal contact her suitability for membership. If she is approved Fran is notified of this and the applicant is eligible for membership in the local chapter if there is one. If not, she remains a national member until other new members near enough to get together with her are discovered.

The process of finding new members can often be hurried by the individual taking the initiative of trying to get TVia on newstands in her area where it can be found by others; or to place ads in local papers designed to catch the eye of other TV readers. Such ads bear Chevaliers address so that the inquiry can be handled in the usual way and appli- cation made in the proper way. This protects everyone's security.

Many people in sensitive jobs or in responsible positions ask if it is not possible to avoid in some way the signing of the application. The same answer is given to all - NO! Security is not divisible nor is my personal integrity adjustable. Everyone but everyone gets the same treatment without exception. There is no other way of protecting each against all and all against each. Once you are in FPE you will know that everyone else in it has signed the same pledge and put themselves on the same record thus they can feel as safe with you as you can with